Are we there yet?!

I am exhausted. Seriously, I am dead on my feet. School holidays are killing me, one week to go, he goes back next Tuesday. That said, I am going to miss him like crazy when he is back there, and so is little RJ who seems to have established a real relationship with him having had him around so much the last 13 days (7 days to go, 7 to go people, that's 7, yes 7). But who knew a child could talk that much!? Impressive really, the way he natters on almost non stop, how can he breathe? How is this possible?

He has been sending me emails, which honestly, crack me up. They are complete nonsense half the time, which is why they are funny. For example:

(Q) What do you call a crazy mum? (A) mamma!!!!

You are... CRAZY AS A COCANUT!!!! that is why YOU'RE the

I'll give you huh!

(Q) tbhnbg nfngmhg cchncfcnhej gncnncencwmemjkmlm?
(A) a baby.

And so on, utterly insane he is. I swear he does not get it from me! Such a funny little boy, he really is joy to be around, I just wish that every so often he would take a breath! His school report for last term was pretty damn awesome too, he was so far off the chart for his reading skills he was in an entirely different level, and his maths was exceptional as well. So proud, the only areas lacking were his self confidence in terms of speaking and contributing to group discussions. It's funny how incredibly gregarious he is with family, but how reserved he is at school and how reluctant to have new experiences there he is. But, being the school it is, they play to his strengths and aid his weaknesses and encourage all the right things. Worth every penny, and there are many we give for it!

Also, I changed my mind AGAIN about where to have his rock star party, and went with the play centre. I just cannot be bothered with the pre and post cleaning and organising with RJ so unsettled lately, it just felt too much. So we'll Green Day up his invites, party bags, and outfit and he is happy with that, so much easier having activities, food, cleanup done for us. I know, I know, it's a cop-out, my excuse is a teething 7 month old... Hey, I got him tickets to the concert, thats good for something... right?!


Kristalee 8 August 2009 at 7:47 pm  

I love the emails! That is so adorable. What a lucky mum you are to have such a special little boy xx