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Further to the other day, I wanted to share this video with you -

It breaks my heart. What are we as parents doing wrong to have this all go so wrong of late? Why are we perpetuating these judgmental and cruel perspectives? Why are we not teaching our children that different is okay - regardless of its form? People are going through so much pain. Bullying is awful in any form, be it because a kid is gay, different looking, or smart, or fat, or whatever it might be.

Isn't it difference that makes us each special and unique?? Is it not difference that makes us who we are, that special someone to someone else? Sometimes it is the very things I can't stand about myself, that another may love. I just wish we could love our children, and raise them to love one another. To accept one another. I feel this is a revolution of change right now, and I truly hope that momentum continues to build and society keeps being forced to pay attention, to make changes, and to open their minds.


Unknown 15 October 2010 at 4:38 pm  

Well said!

Oh, and I less than three this HARD...

"Sometimes it is the very things I can't stand about myself, that another may love."

As you would say, 'Prezactly'.

Anonymous 16 October 2010 at 12:59 pm  

what a wise, intelligent woman you must get it from your mother do you??